Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm still here.....

ok...so......If any of you are still reading this...thanks for hanging with me.

The past couple of months have been some of the craziest, most stressful, most emotional months of my life. There were a lot of things happening that I couldn't really freely talk about at the time and I wear my emotions on me very obviously...even in my typing...there was no way I could journal and not explain.

So...here is the short story.

I am now divorced. Long story that I would be glad to talk about personally, but out of respect for my ex and I, I will not publicly display that here. But we are ok. We don't hate each others guts or try to slander each others name through the mud. The Lord is working in each of our lives and I know that this season is one of growth for each of us.

I am leaving my job as Family Life and Youth director on May 23, to do mission work in Vancouver, BC.
British Columbia is my FAVORITE place on earth and I never thought I'd have the opportunity to go back for any amount of time. But all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose....and I have been extended the opportunity to go and serve for a few months.

There is alot that goes into moving and starting over.....and I just had to withdraw a bit.

The good news...I haven't piled the weight back on. The bad news...I haven't really lost a ton either.
But one of the things I'm looking forward to about Canada is how  beautiful it is there. It is a very recreational place and the weather/climate is perfect for an overweight girl like me in the summer time. I will not have a car so public transportation and walking is how I get around. I expect to be in the best shape ever upon returning.

I have decided to actually start the couch to 5k running plan. Never been able to run, but I have watched the Biggest Loser enough to know that it is possible.....and you just have to start somewhere. I expect that I wont be able to advance as quickly as the plan allows for, but I'm going to take it at my pace. Hey....jogging for 60 seconds multiple times is a huge feat for me. 

but...what doesnt kill me will make me skinnier ;) eerrrrr....healthier ;)

Although it wont be everyday, I am trying to have a goal of updating this blog a few times a week. If you would like to follow me on my adventures in life...my other blog is www.theadventuresofmorgan.blogspot.com

Happy running..