Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Digging Deep

Wow.....I only THOUGHT I had worked out until today.....I can honestly say today KICKED MY BUTT....
and I can only imagine what the biggest loser contestants go through with Jillian....SHE IS HARD CORE...

I did not get up and walk with Ms. Ellen this morning. I need to call and apologize. I haven't been sleeping very well and I was exhausted after my 3 exercise times yesterday...but I did meet up with Rose at 8. We read a devotional she had been emailed...it was great...timely.

And then we did what I will coin as the MOTHER OF ALL WORKOUTS.....

Now...I'm thinking this is a stand alone work out. 3 Levels of intensity, but 20 minutes a piece. She even talks about how you're cramming about an hour worth of cardio into 20 minutes..... I think I literally died for about 10 seconds at the end of this....I could have drifted off to sleep laying on the floor from exhaustion...and then Rose says...."OK...that was a good warm up..." and proceeded to put in:

We did about 25 minutes of the cardi on here.....I was begging Rose for a cool down by the end.... Rose will think I'm being dramatic...lol, but I'm telling you....WOW......

I did have a point of progress though...it encouraged me.  The first day I exercised, I could barely keep my legs in the air for more than a couple of seconds, more less kick them. One of the exercises to today, was one minutes of kicking ab crunches.... And I did the full minute and did not drop my legs once.... but I had to DIG DEEP.

I have a friend who told me that she will job "for" me until I can jog myself. And the moments when she wants to quit, she thinks of people like me who can't even do it yet. So today when I wanted to quit..I thought about all of you. And especially two ladies that I've had some great convo with regarding my journey. Melissa K, and Becky R....this one was for you.

So....what are you going through that you need to DIG DEEPER to get through it? Who or what keeps you holding on? Stay focused.....you can do it.

Much Love, Morgan


Unknown said...

Awesome! Yes, 30 Day Shred is killer! I'll have to check out that other one when I'm ready to lose my baby flab this fall. Proud of you for DIGGING DEEP...it's much easier NOT to. :) Love you!

Unknown said...

Keep it up Morgan! Jillian is no joke.:) Really enjoying your blog. You are awesome girl! Erin..in Savannah

erin said...

I'm Abbi's sister in law, and an avid nutrition and fitness person. I love seeing others find joy and passion in this as well. I'm going to keep up with your blog. Can't wait to see the progress!! So proud of you for making the choice to change and being so bold about it!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I dont know you.
But I read your blog, and it has inspired me to stay in shape. Now every time I think about quitting, I think about how you wouldn't quit and so I can't either.
Keep it up!
Love, Jennifer