Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shrinking and Growing.

Sorry its been a few days since I've typed out an entry. Saturday was busy with our first Upward Basketball Game and then I hit the road for a couple of days to visit family and friends.  It was a GREAT weekend :)

In preparation for my trip, I was trying on different outfits and stuff just to see if anything fit that didn't fit before and low and behold. A jacket that was too tight on me a month ago, is now too baggy. And my jeans were way too baggy. So I rewarded myself by going to Cato and getting a new pair of jeans and a new top.  The jeans were ONE SIZE SMALLER :) I can't remember the last time I went DOWN in sizing. I was at my peak and at the largest size I could buy in the store prior to two weeks ago.

The particular outfit I bought really looks good. I FEEL like a million bucks in it. Makes me look like I have a really small waist. When I tried it on for my friends they were jaw dropped:) It is so nice to put on clothes and notice where the fat roll isn't bulging rather than trying to disguise it. I know I'm rambling, but this one thing was SUCH encouragement for me. I could feel and SEE the results.

I allowed myself one night to cheat on my trip. But I felt like I had a good enough handle on what I was doing to allow it. And I didn't want to undo what I had done so it wasn't even that bad. I did take a little spill one day though and twisted my ankle and hurt my knee so I'm in a good bit of pain and wondering how this will affect my working out for a few days. But I'm hoping as long as I'm making good food choices, it wont hurt me.

SO...today I went to get my blood work done for the doctor and stepped on the scales and I am ESTATIC to report that I have lost 14 pounds in 2 weeks!!!!  People have asked what the secret is....and the answer is....: hard work. I haven't done anything unnatural so far. I've been recording what I eat and exercising. I have a new appreciation for spices and how they can enhance otherwise bland food.

So...the title.."Shrinking and Growing"....I've talked alot about how this is an emotional and spiritual journey as well and as weird as this is...as I lose myself, I'm finding myself. I'm starting to realize why I've done some of the things I've done, and why I've believed some of the things I believed, and it boils down to not loving myself or thinking of myself enough to want, expect, and accept God's best for my life.  I kind of feel like I have a new voice. The "hey morgan....you can do this" voice of encouragement in my head is no longer on  mute. I don't feel like I have to cower down....but can really stand on my own two feet and speak with confidence. I've always been pretty confrontational, but yet there are definitely times where my "people pleasing" gets the best of me lol.

I find myself smiling more and really appreciating looking people in the eyes. I'm not ashamed of who I am.
Amazing how 14 pounds and a few weeks of focus can really unleash a powerful thing in my life.

Hey....ladies...(and gents).....Today I want you to hold your head high, and look life in the eyes. Be confident. You can do whatever task lies before you. Be diligent. Pray for strength. And take the first step.


Kat said...

Wow - this is an awesome post! Very inspirational :-) I am a friend of Abbi Z and she sent me here to check you out since I recently started my own weight-loss blog. So glad she did! There's nothing like the feeling you get from hitting a new low on the scale. Awesome!

Unknown said...

Hey Morgan, something that's cool to do is go carry around something that weighs the same amount as what you have lost. It's awesome to see how much of a difference it makes!

Abbi said...

I see Katherine up there! :) Glad she came by! You guys can really cheer each other along.

So excited that you can tell people your "secret". :) Isn't it funny how frustrated some people get when you tell them there is NO secret, only intentional choices and hard work? Everyone seems to be looking for that quick fix!

I am SO over-the-moon happy for you. A loss of any amount is wonderful, and getting to buy new, smaller clothes (because you need to!) is sooo the icing on the cake, eh?

Hang in there with your injury...you are right that you can stay on track just by eating well. After all, studies have shown that weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. You might also find new activities that you can do with a hurt ankle. When I broke my toe a few years ago, I tried Yoga, Pilates, swimming, and weight lifting (upper body). All great options that don't put too much strain on an injury.

Love you! So proud of you!!

Anya R. said...

I'm also a friend of Abbi's and I'm so glad she posted your link. This was an amazing post, and exactly what I needed to read today! I started my own weight-loss journey at the first of the year with just as far to go as you, and being able to read your posts reminds me I'm not the only one facing this. I love that you are so positive about it all. This is my second time going through this as I lost 100lbs about 3 years ago and somehow I've let myself get back here. It's very discouraging, but your outlook has already inspired me to keep it positive. :0) Keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your post today. Was very encouraging for me. I know 14 may seem small, but can make a big difference. Looking forward to the loss of 14 pounds myself. Keep it going!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration and reading your blog came at just the right time for my day! Thanks & keep up the hard work! You're an amazing lady inside & out! Lisa

Bev said...

Love the blog. You are so awesome. So up, so positive, so motivated. It's so cool to put things on and they start falling off...WOW! Sending loving thoughts your way.