Rose: "Hey girl...what cha doing?"
Me: "Oh not much of anything yet....just woke up."
Rose: "Well....I'm running a little behind this morning and just getting around to working out so I was thinkin........"
Me: "(Laugh)...Oh...You were thinking were you?"
Fast forward about 20 minutes.....
I arrive at Rose's house to work out. Now, mind you...this is the first "work out" I've done in over a year. Sad huh? I literally have done NO form of exercise in over a year. And I am paying for it.
We did the first session of the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD with weights.
We did the first level, and then went on to do lower body on another Jillian Michaels DVD...don't remember the name of it. There were a few moves I couldn't do, just due to the weight. Rose said she's going to video tape me working out now so I can watch it in the weeks to come and see how far I've come....grrr.
Before I left, Rose hooked me up with lots of nutritonal snacks, fed me a healthy lunch, and sent me home with a healthy dinner.
I have always said I needed a personal trainer but could never afford one, and man did God provide there. Rose, I love you...I'll say it now, because I'm sure there will be days where I'll be swearing at you. lol j/k (possibly when I wake up tomorrow and can't move).
Can I continue to just tell you how awesome God's provision is on this journey..?
I will be meeting with a doctor next week who specializes in weight loss. I don't have alot of extra cash right now so she is working with me on that. Rose knows her, and she told Rose to go ahead and bring me in next week. I have a packet of info to bring out and will go in next week for body measurements, BMI, blood work...I feel like it's Dr. Z on the Biggest Loser and Rose is my Jillian Michaels. Who knew I'd get that experience in little ol' Luverne, AL? God's timing? I think so.
I'll tell ya...the longer the day goes on...the more I'm hurting...can't imagine what tomorrow will feel like, but I already have a cardio date tomorrow.....nice.
I've never been able to "run" ....I've never really even tried to jog for exercise. I'm sure at my weight now, it would be bad on my knees....however... whenever I have to go to the bathroom, or get water, or make copies...I've started jogging from my office to where ever I have to go....and I CAN do it. And it does motivate me to do more. One of these days I'm gonna jog the neighborhood. That's a goal of mine.
There are moments like right now...where even though I'm grungy and haven't showered yet...I "Feel" beautiful. Because I feel like I'm moving forward. And I have to always remind myself how my Father God sees me...because I know that there have been and will be days where I feel anything but beautiful.
So I'll leave you with this.... this is from the book, "Do You Think I'm Beautiful?" by Angela Thomas
"Before you were...the moment God first thought of you...when He smiled over the purpose and plans He was making for your life - right then, He fashioned Himself a woman that He fell in love with. A woman of beauty and strength.....
You are beautiful.
You are desired.
You are known.
You are held.
You are protected.
You are rescued.
You are forgiven.
You are pursued.
You are seen.
You are precious.
You are My princess.
You are My beautiful bride.
This is the heart of God for you. These are the truths of Scripture written about you and me, and therefore, my friend, they are so."
That's all for now, my BEAUTIFUL friends. Love you. Morgan
When you get to the point that you can jog the neighborhood, and you WILL get there, I will drive to Alabama and jog it with you. We might just even video it for all your viewers to show how far you've come. I love you and I believe in you. ROCK it, girl.
Morgan, thanks again for the sweet comments and yes you will be swearing, throwing things, and who knows what else (probably play that song we were talking about but will change one word to "crazy"). However, I want you to know you are my "God send." God sends us all suprises when least expect it but he knows when we need it!!
If you need a jacuzzi to jump in come on over!
See you tomorrow--IT WILL BE FUN (and possibly a little painful to begin with but that will pass also).
What a beautiful quote. And, you are beautiful! What a great post!
Ditto to what @Lauren Zaffos said.
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